The Impact of Technology on Our Brain Development and Functioning


Here's a pickle to ponder about. Have you ever felt that you don't have to think about life choices and complex issues so much anymore because everything is laid out for you online? You open your web browser and type in your search inquiry. In a matter of seconds, all answers are provided courtesy of Google, Wikipedia, Quora, Brainly, or

Though, in many cases, you must take these search results with a pinch of salt as most were given by humans. And humanity, as we know, is prone to errors and semi-truths.

This article aims to shed light on whether technology makes us smarter or dumber and how it influences our brain capacity. Do technological advancements actually reduce our cognitive skills? Join us on this fascinating journey! Thus, you can form an educated opinion and assumption on humankind's future as technology will undeniably soar even higher than today.

How do technological advancements manifest themselves in our day-to-day existence?

One electronic gadget perfectly encapsulates the high-tech leap we have accomplished so far and is accessible to the masses. Besides, it genuinely reflects our dependence on modern technology.

Our best mobile smartphones have become our wallets, personal assistants, newspapers, and encyclopedias. In short, it represents all sources of information and "means of survival" in the 21st century. Can you imagine your life without it?

On a more extensive scale, the most breathtaking technological breakthroughs are quantum computing, nanotechnology, information highways, multiskilled AI, self-driving vehicles, super-accurate positioning by GPS, and robot technology. As a result, information travels more efficiently and faster than ever. No wonder we feel that human agency will soon be left out of many major industries.

What are the disadvantages and potential risks of our reliance on technology?

There's another crucial aspect of technological progress. We have practically outsourced our brain functions. All these innovative gadgets now store essential parts of our memory, thinking (AI), knowledge, information bases (Hello, Google), and spatial awareness (GPS and Google Maps.) By all means, we can mention the latest real estate technology facilitating realtors' sales.

Technology can cause addiction.

Undoubtedly, we have become dependent on technology. Besides developing addiction, humans also tend to mirror the environment they are exposed to in the long run. For instance, violent video games will surround our children with more aggressive thoughts and obstructs the development of their social skills. Suppose a concerned parent tries to cut their child's screen time. Often, the offspring will respond in anger and frustration since they aim at severing their link to (a false sense of) happiness.

Technology can throw us off of comprehension.

Thirdly, technology distracts us from critical cognitive tasks like learning for an exam. For example, a cell phone can shift our focus in the blink of an eye by inserting sudden interruptions. Imagine preparing for a class, and your phone rings or vibrates. You inadvertently reach out to it to check the notification. Don't be surprised if studying won't bring you the results you were hoping for. The key to success is keeping a sharp mind and focused attention!

Technology results in people getting isolated from society.

Technology reduced our face-to-face time and our need for genuine human interaction. In other words, we can be cut off from another information exchange and learning source. Therefore, technology and living in a bubble can lead to human isolation and detachment from reality,

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How technology influences a fragile mind?

It's a well-known fact that technology overuse and video game addiction are typical features to which the younger generations are the most exposed. Our mind learns the fastest in our childhood. For this reason, examining the impact of technology on our brains should be the most topical at the most fragile age.

The organ of soft nervous tissue works like a muscle; you use it, and thus, it gets energetic and dynamic. So, the brain's fundamental rule is: use it or lose it! If you wish to master a skill, you practice it. For instance, if you intend to become a professional in social media, do that regularly and for an extended period! We use neurons and develop connectors for skills based on three to four hours of consecutive activity.

The vicious transformation from early video gaming to technology addiction

Let's discuss the most affected age group, the so-called iGeneration and GenZ (born between 1995 and 2015!) They are in front of the computer, spending "recreational screen time" seven-to-nine hours a day. Children and teenagers playing League of Legends or Call of Duty: Warzone (the trendiest nowadays) for three hours daily grew networks for the skills presented therein. This hinders executive functioning skills development, such as tolerance, impulse control, or anger management. Any adult requires these skills to get along in life.

Interestingly, the majority of video game addicts are in their late 20s and early 30s, according to statistics. Therefore, avid teenage gamers tend to grow into impatient parents and individuals, jeopardizing their marriages. Alarmingly, they prefer virtual reality and the coziness of cyberspace to the tangible real life spent with their family. In other words, their brain networking got wired to these circumstances and skills: they are good at gaming, and their mind also desires the adrenaline rush.

Nonetheless, video games can improve our children's reaction time, spatial and visual awareness, and faster decision-making skills if controlled.

Our brain develops according to new technological challenges.

Our brains have approximately one hundred billion neurons. The tiny silicone chips in your PC function with the same amount of transistors. And an entirely new generation of carbon nanotube computer chips will soon be introduced, close to anatomical thickness. They will contribute to the emergence of (at least three times) faster and more energy-efficient electronics. Human ingenuity and technical revolution know no boundaries.

Why disconnecting yourself from technology once in a while is a must?

Under such circumstances, we must ask ourselves: do we become more stupid? Will our memory fade because we rely too much on technology? Suppose our brain receives no stimulus and doesn't get put to work. In that case, it will sever its vital ability to make meaningful connections. In addition, let's not forget about distractions and interruptions caused by technology that slow us down.

On the other hand, our mind creates new connections with novelty daily. We can preserve our mental health by learning new daily knowledge and skills. Additionally, it's up to us whether we let technology "put our brains to sleep" by first distracting us and ultimately undertaking all cognitive tasks from us. First, we become vegetables accepting the ready-made reality presented to us. Then, we slowly go extinct.

Final thoughts

Technological advancements come at the expense of the limitation of brain functioning. The brain is molded to whatever circumstances we expose it to the most. Online video games and easy access to the information set back the development of traditional executive brain functions and skills.

We risk setting in motion the progress of such skills that are almost entirely unnecessary to survival and thriving in real life. Instead, we learn futile skills because they exist in an artificial world.

Nevertheless, we can control the backward progress of essential skills via education. In addition, spending screen time for academic and professional purposes can be an excellent way to deepen our knowledge base. We need our brains to grow and improve on extended networks of neurons facilitating skills.

Ultimately, uncontrolled exposure to technology and screen time can and will damage our brain development, most of all in our childhood.

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